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Only two things are infinite, the universe of human stupidity, and I´m not sure about the former

- Einstein - 




A. Pascoal, A. Bjerrum, J. Coudeville, "MARIUS (Marine Utility System) - an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Environmental Surveying", Proceedings of the MAST(Marine Science and Technology)-DAYS Conference, Brussels, Belgium, March 1993. xxxxx


A. Pascoal, F. Pereira, A. Bjerrum, K. Christiansen, J. Pignon, G. Ayela, C. Petzelt, "Development of a Self-Organizing Underwater Vehicle  (SOUV) - I, "Proceedings of the MAST (Marine Science and Technology)-DAYS Conference, Brussels, Belgium, March 1993.xxxxxx


I. Kaminer, A. Pascoal, P. Khargonekar, C. Thompson, "A Velocity Algorithm for the Implementation of Nonlinear Gain Scheduled Controllers", Proc. 2nd European Control Conference, Groningen, Holland, June 1993. xxxxx

I. Kaminer, A. Pascoal, C. Silvestre, P. Khargonekar, "A velocity algorithm for the implementation of gain scheduled controllers with applications to rigid body motion control," Proc. 32th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, USA, December 1993.


A. Bjerrum, A. Pascoal, J. Coudeville, K. Christiansen, "Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Environmental Surveying (MARIUS)", Proc. Control Applications in Marine Systems, Genova, Italy, April 1992. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 25, Issue 3, 1992, Pages 279-295.

A. Pascoal, V. Barroso, I. Lourtie, J. Rendas, C. Silvestre, P. Oliveira, "Simulation Study of an Integrated Guidance System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle", Proc. NATO-ASI on Acoustic Data Processing for Ocean Exploration, Madeira, Portugal, July 1992. ISBN: 978-94-011-1604-6.


A. Pascoal, P. Khargonekar,  R. Ravi, "Robust Stabilization of Linear Time-Varying Singularly Perturbed Systems",  Proc. European Control Conference, Grenoble, France, July 1991. xxxxxx


C. Silvestre, A. Pascoal,  "A Robust Position and Attitude Control System for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle",  Proc. Symposium on Robust Control System Design using H-Infinity and Related Methods, University of Cambridge, England, March 1991. xxxx


A. Bjerrum, A. Pascoal, C. Ardouin, "Development of the Marine Utility Vehicle System MARIUS", Proc. 7th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology,  Univ. New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA, September 1991. xxxxxxx


I. Kaminer, A. Pascoal, C. Silvestre, P. Khargonekar, "Control of an Underwater Vehicle using H-Infinity Synthesis", Proc. 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,  Brighton, England, December 1991.


A. Pascoal, R. Ravi, P. Khargonekar, "Normalized Coprime Factorizations and the Graph metric for Linear Time-Varying Systems", Proc. 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 1990.


A. Pascoal, R. Kosut, G. Franklin, M. Workman, "Adaptive Time-Optimal Control of Flexible Structures", Proc. American Control Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, June 1989. xxxxx


A. Pascoal, P. Khargonekar, R. Ravi, "Robust Stabilization of Singularly perturbed Linear Time-varying Plants", Proc. 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida, USA, December 1989.



P. Khargonekar, A. Pascoal, R. Ravi, "Stabilization of Linear Time-Varying Systems: Strong, Simultaneous, and Reliable Stabilization", Proc. American Control Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 1988. xxxx


R. Kosut, A. Pascoal, M. Workman, G. Franklin, "Minimum Time Control of Large Space Structures", Proc. SPIE Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA, January 1988. xxxxxx


T. Georgiou, A. Pascoal, P. Khargonekar, "Nonlinear Time-Varying Controllers for Uniform Stabilization", Proc. 1987 American Control Conference, Minneapolis, USA, June 1987. xxxxx

T. Georgiou, A. Pascoal, P. Khargonekar,"Robust Stabilizability of Linear Time-Invariant Plants", Proc. 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, USA, December 1987.


P. Khargonekar, T. Georgiou, A. Pascoal, "Robust Stabilizability of Linear Time-Invariant Plants: Nonlinear, Time-varying Controllers", Proc.  25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Athens, Greece, December 1986.


A. Pascoal,  P. Khargonekar, "Remarks on Weighted Sensitivity Minimization",  Proc. of the Twenty-Third Annual Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, October 1985. xxxx



P. Girão, A. Pascoal, M. Ventim, "A Microcomputer-Based PID Controller", Proceedings of the 1980 Vigo Workshop on Signal Processing and Its Applications, Vigo, Spain, 1981. xxxx



A. Pascoal, "Processador Paralelo para Controlo Adaptativo", 2º Congresso de Mecânica Teórica e Aplicada, Lisbon, Portugal, November 1979. xxxx









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